
Swift Action? Not necessarily.


Do you think it is at all possible that LLL's apparent rush to possibly take action against DSGIII Friday was a move in anticipation of the announcement of the court's criticism of Christie's handling of matters?

Read about it here: http://www.njea.org/pdfs/2010EO7Ruling.pdf 


The reason I pose this question is that if in fact Chris is considered our "heavy" (no pun intended, I assure you), and folks are relying upon his brand of justice to strike and deal that critical blow to our "villainous" CSA, then perhaps the logic was to move prior to widespread knowledge about Christie's potentially disempowering slap on the wrist that might render his perceived omnipotent wrath just a flash in the pan-ish, idle threat.
And The DOE, with all it's imposed and proposed remedial prescriptions and proscriptions like CAPA and QSAC, has already helped set the stage for our smoke and mirrors and window-dressing routines of not only Gallon, but various prior (and current-and NEW) administrators, as well.
Sadly, until all this lying, posturing, politicking, and malfeasance are seen for what they are and immediately eradicated, PPS continues to be faced with this great moral dilemma that precludes any substantial reform efforts in the form of applied competence, consistency, administrative validity, logistic fortitude, establishment and adherence to best practices, or any other critical elements needed for movement toward constructing (or REconstructing?) a viable, sustainable, comprehensive school system.
Waiting for or relying upon Christie or DOE/NJ should not be our plan of "action." The road to improvement and long lasting legitimacy as a district absolutely must be paved with bold, courageous and selfless intiative, collaboration and volunteerism on the part of brilliant individuals from all segments of our school and local communities.
We must support our BOE's efforts to establish a cohesiveness and the appearance of a unified governing body that represents US, as residents, and that has no conversation that ommits student service and achievement as the main purpose for those discussions. I suggest that the board begin with reviewing the Student Conduct Code, and begin to devise policy meant to ensure adherence and compliance, and then immediately further develop and pledge to follow one of their own!
Swift action? Decisive action with lasting and resounding effects are what we all need...and yes, right away. 

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