
The Plainfield Tsunami Track Club

Dear readers,

Please click on the link below to learn about the plight of the Plainfield Tsunami Club. It appears that another worthy Plainfield organization is having difficulty obtaining the support it so deserves.
Years ago, one may recall, this track team ran the halls of the high schools very intensely training for competition and for perseverance in life. The level of discipline and SELF-DETERMINATION was a sight to behold!

What's more, it seems that this Tsunami Club is part of the PAL (formerly PCAL), an organization that has struggled to gain support for other youth programs, despite successfully touching the lives of thousands of Plainfield youth since at least the 1980's.
The late Sgt. Steve Jordan, along with wife Nancy and the entire PCAL board worked diligently to raise funds for Plainfield youth!
Plainfield, we can DO IT!!! We can make everlasting changes. The Tsunami Club NEEDS to find a solution now. Whatever we can do to ensure the perpetuation of talented adults making positive changes in the lives of our youth through recreational incentives, we need to support and uplift.

Again, please read and come out to support them. Make some "noise" and spread the word...


Let Us Mirror The National Tide Of Change!

It is Extremely difficult to ascertain which board members stand for what causes, when it comes to voting records, I agree.

Many of the discussions and outright arguments that take place in their closed-door sessions or at someone's home will never be shared with you, me or "us." However, if you have kept track, you know that some have challenged, in public, other board members on issues that directly & indirectly affect the children.

**For instance, do you recall a meeting at which SOME of the "NEWER" teachers were being let go and some individuals spoke? Well, I recall Adbul-Haqq clearly angering several other board members by the very suggestion that Business Administraor, Gary Ottman, look into using "surplus" monies to possibly reverse the decision to let some of the teachers go.

**There was also the recent firing of a staff members without just cause. I believe both voted AGAINST THAT MEASURE!

**The matters we are often kept in the dark about are frightening--and we're taught not to fear the "Boogieman," huh?. It is vital that WE never forget bold moves like this. Yes, it is difficult, but NOT impossible.

I suggest we work toward creating a "GRASS ROOTS EDUCATION ADVOCACY THINK TANK," in order to WATCH what we can, relative to the board members' activities!
(email to: learngreatt@gmail.com) I will commit to getting the ball rolling. Maria Pellum and others (Maybe Bob Darden, etc.) need to CONNECT and continue to advocate without fear of retaliation or hostility in the form of unprofessional/undignified board member jabs!

This crisis, the state of Plainfield education, represents a microcosm of the bigger national picture. Corruption and senseless spending, cronyism, misplaced perspectives, rationalizing, condescending discourse, gangster mentalities, public apathy and complacency, humiliating school performance, suppression of staff morale, and the constant threat of isolation and being shunned for being a dissident/enemy of the state, has created a state of crisis.

Let us look at the local electoral outcomes as it pertains to the city council. Let us, jointly and “unitedly” mirror the sentiment and the message of the people.

Just as folks came out to push that button for ANNIE MCWILLIAMS and for CHANGE, so must WE challenge the business of the PLAINFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS, WITH UNFLINCHING DEVOTION TO DEMANDING EQUAL RIGHTS FOR OUR CHILDREN, EDUCATIONALLY! Reparations??? If we tried, we could successfully take care of our OWN right here in Plainfield, NJ!

From The Macro To The Micro

The notion of Immortality is quite a fascinating idea. With this historic election of Mr. Barack Obama to the highest office in the land, we have now ushered in a new era of renewed hope and conceiveably, a raised ceiling of Opportunities for so many of us. There are undoubtedly those among us who not only secretly wished for the failure of Obama's bid for the presidency, but also carry this contempt for true progress in their hearts on a daily basis. But this is to become decreasingly problematic as the story of Plainfield, New Jersey continues to unfold. The "underdog" has often turned the tide of negativity so many times in this town.

The sentiment of unity and the clear elevation of minds on the part of the masses demonstrates, more than ever before, just how attainable true progress has become. Though some remain skeptical as some bicker over logistics, philosophies, strategies, and political methodologies, let us commit to the task of stepping back, adjusting our lenses, rethinking, approaching with "new shoes," and looking our fellow "stakeholders" and neighbors square in the eye. Only then can we act in all sincerity, in such a manner as to assist our children in new ways.

With these new administrations in place on the national as well as state, regional and local levels, how can we fall short of our collective & collaborative goals? We must ask legitimate and critical questions:

*Where is the thrust of effort for securing the grant money that all of our school children deserve to benefit from?
*Where is the true spirit of collaboration that is said to be built into the Plainfield school district?
*What is the true story of the selection process for hiring our new schools Superintendent? What were some of the concerns of parents? Of residents? Of Some board of education members? Of The teacher's Union?
*How can our religious leaders play a more active role in helping change the mindset of many of our students and their families?
*What local and regional resources should be at our disposal to help improve the quality of education?
*Where are the community centers??? They disappeared with the 80's and so did many of the aspects of unity in our community. The "Village raising the child" concept has become so cliche' in so many circles, but that need not be the case.

THE "GRASS ROOTS EDUCATION ADVOCACY THINK TANK" (GREATT) is a movement in progress. Now in it's initial conception state, they seek voluteer "watch dogs" and "BUll DOGS" to help mobilize citizens for comprehensive change. They seek to raise the bar much beyoond those low standards as set by State Monitors!

Contact them: learngreatt@gmail.com

Just as there remain pockets of resistance to a new national mindset and the new national mandate as expressed by the voters, there will be those in Plainfield who refuse to reliquish the "control" they so cherish. So that will undoubtedly become cause for waging war. But just as the north defeated the south many years ago, those in possession of the "slave-master" mentality will succumb to the aspirations of a new mindset in Plainfield Education.

The election of Annie McWilliams and Adrian Mapp to city council spoke volumes, not as much of dissenting opinion, but more of the hope for a better day in Plainfield leadership. Take care Plainfield Board of Education; the are guidelines of decency and ethical behavior that an increasing number of citizens will now take more seriously.

We call upon the city government to speak up about how the goings-on of the school must not negatively impact the value of our homes or the quality of local life in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

What's YOUR Opinion? Come on, take aim at the real problems and Fire away!!! Become a troubleshooter, NOT a "trouble-maker."


Strategic Annoyances

There is a deeply troublesome element within the ranks of administration which interferes with the work of many educators.
Oftentimes, school leadership personnel band and bond in such ways as to develop or fall victim to the practice of blaming the teacher for countless school problems.
While the reality exists that many teachers fall short of meeting professional duties and responsibilities, especially in a failing school, careful and thorough investigation would undoubtedly uncover several truths.

Just ponder for a second the opening week of a school where no effort is made on the part of the principal to assemble students in groups and provide a year’s “prospectus” from the principal’s standpoint. This practice would stand the chance of serving several purposes:

First, it establishes order and regulation;

Second, it fortifies and empowers the roles of all educators in classrooms and elsewhere on the campus;

Third it delineates a unified range of goals, objectives, philosophies, expectations, etc,,,

Forth, it weeds out the would-be naysayers and defiant students whose behavior had gone unchecked in previous days in the very same school, or “calls out” those new-comers who may take the notion to set out to “prove themselves” amongst the undesirables in the building;

Fifth, it generates a perceived propensity among administration to act in an appropriate confrontational manner, clarifying the power structure and hierarchy thereof, when the need arises;

Sixth, it generates discussion amongst the student body, segment-by-segment, making way for and giving rise to student decision-making, concerning where each stands in the compliance continuum;

The establishment of a philosophy of the “United Front” among all “educators” is critical to the successful operation of the school, particularly the school in need of “reform,” Those staff members who raise questions in opposition of the administrative viewpoint must not be cast asunder or shunned, but instead entertained and respected for the forth righteousness and sincerity in raising those concerns.

Often, there is a concerted effort to render the dissenting voice an "enemy of the state." What sometimes facilitates this is the sentiment among staff that the individual is a “trouble-maker,” and in reality, creating more work for the rest of the staff.

It is not difficult to imagine how some of our worst aspects as individuals will carry over into our professional activities, thereby creating an environment conducive to pettiness and “shortcuts” which detract from their highest quality professional practices.
This often makes for holes in the “safety net” of programmatic consistency, the general work ethic, morale, and the spirit of going the extra mile to remedy ills found in a school in crisis.

When Cronies who lack the appropriate qualifications for jobs are hired, promoted, elevated, celebrated, catered to, etc., the pack mentality and return on favors often runs out of control, leaving instructional priorities at the curbside. Most often, more sooner than later, the holes in the “net” lead us to consider the notion that a “blanketing” approach may have been a more suitable method.
Let’s think back on the “opening day” or “opening week” of school and the administration’s role in setting the tone. There are times when the hard-line, lay down the law, read ‘em the riot act applies more-so to staff than to students. Particularly at a middle schools with such records of historic failure, it is paramount that the leadership reassure and support all staff in playing their roles…after first clarifying them.
How often do you think staff members are provided with job descriptions/responsibilities of all counterparts in the building? We have not yet seen it done, and only once heard it promised, after 30+ years in monitoring education!

In our school district, a stated mantra has been “we’re serious about learning,” noted by a logo containing a cardinal with eye glasses and a stack of books. Besides the potentially stereotypical suggestion (only/all eye glass wearers are smart, i.e. “nerds”), the fact remains the term serious must indeed be taken “SERIOUSLY!”
When a chief school administrator orders a reworking of all schedules to accommodate grouping of all middle school students according to only the most recent standardized test scores, how "serious" is that? If the school is in chaos and disarray behind the wait for the new schedules, with students in a temporary class schedule situation, how serious will they take it? Children, like grown folk, tend to lose faith in authority rather quickly, and very soon after, comes the rebellion phase.

It is known fact, especially amongst educators and parents…those who don’t turn a blind eye to the realities, that is. And again, more sooner than later, the walls come tumbling down, so to speak. And all the rationalizing and justifying and blaming and ignoring and shunning and retaliatory annoyances delivered unto the dissenting voice, in the world, will not a solid educational facility make.
So often, more later than sooner, administration (top level-on down) comes to the harsh and embarrassing realization that the “better mouse trap” thought to have been constructed was actually nothing more than another mandated initiative sent down devoid of collaborative ingenuity.
These types of orders come to be commonly perceived as "strategic annoyances" around which staff of course do not rally, but instead just play a “grin and bear it” act to get by-until grins become far too heavy baggage to bear.

For those who elect to speak up in the name of troubleshooting (not trouble-MAKING, as some would call it), the risk of being labeled “negative” is ever-present. This is, to me, a very juvenile method of divisive name-calling in order to mask so many programmatic and logistic deficiencies.
Much of what won’t even work “on paper” is propagated as a workable plan of action, but goes against the grain of common sense and tried-and-true practical teaching methods (and even child-rearing, for that matter). Too much of what befalls the educator in terms of obstacles and barriers to good teaching is not by chance nor is it incidental, but actually by design.
We believe the establishment and respect for the pecking order is of extreme importance in the minds of many administrators, at the forsaking of professional autonomy and creative freedom.
To be certain, without an epiphanous journey into a realm of true collaborative spirit, the school district would be doomed to failure.
One bottom-line consideration to be noted here is that "bullying" is bullying, no matter how you dress it up with pseudo-intellectual jargon, or candy coat it with all the sweet vocabulary in Webster's book, an attack is just that...an attack. Make no mistake about it. Teachers in Plainfield are feeling the effects of an "onslaught" against their professional liberties as well as their first amendment freedom of expression-collective and individual.
Parents are increasingly outraged by the bits and pieces of inpropriety they recieve in "dribs and drabs." And so the walls could be set to come tumbling down.
In this, the 21st century, we, those with conviction and purpose, "hold these truths to be self evident" that ALL educators are created equally...with the right to dignified treatment and not merely the freedom, but indeed the BLESSING from leadership, to just DO THEIR JOBS!!!

Whether "metric" or U.S. Customary... It Must Add Up!

Goals? Objectives? Metrics?
Confusing...it is... does Yoda say!
May the force be with us all. May the great spirit of "mother-wit" begin to consume more of us and may the winds of change blow good fortune our way. And courqage into our hearts.
Meanwhile...I say we, that would, should fight...for what's right!
I say we fight internal conflict that too often stagnate our humanity's growth and development. The internal struggles can often turn a good neighbor into a stubborn, egotistical, ambitious, self-centered politician..and that's on a GOOD day!
We owe it, ultimately, to the children who we continue to claim to be our future, to rest our ruggedly individual pursuits and either take up the "good fight" in their names or lay down our arms in disgrace and futility.
What good will it do for the few privledged to gain this "kingdom" of Plainfield and lose one's soul in the process?
When those "Edu-crats" who espouse freedom and progress for our students of the school system commense to beating up on the very Instructional care-givers entrusted to teach them day in and day out, where is the TRUE "NOISE???"
We hold ourselves to high standards, collectively, and where we fall short, often seek guidance. But abuse and guidance are true mutually exclusive concepts, ARE they NOT?
Ask the "average" teacher, ask the custodian, ask the disgruntled parent where he or she can find solace and most assuredly, they will think of the office of superintendent, dead last! Oh...but charter schools and private schools are a "no-no" in the minds of the powers that be. Why?
And is it possible that some of these very same enemies of charter and private schools proponents hypocritically send their OWN children to the very same schools they speak against??? Even some teachers followed their union's immediate past president's apparent charge to condemn charter school growth and patronage while having their OWN attend school outside the district.
This should not be. The question and answer guidelines set up by the CSA can quite certainly be likened to a house of cards, with long-time and life-long Plainfielder, feeling they have gotten the proverbial "raw deal." But Plainfielders have also historically enjoyed starring in the finales as the "underdog." After all, Luke and the gang (oops...did I say "GANG???") overcame the tyranny of the evil empire, sometimes by fighting fire with fire.
to be continued...


We Need Info!

  • A bird's eye view of the educational arena might lend itself to revelations of much of the confusion within the walls of tutelage. However, without the luxury of flight and benefit of sharp vision, our blog will remain a cloudy glimpse at best.

    We have endeavored to proceed with this undertaking at the urging of several parents, students and employees of the Plainfield School System, and do take the position of responsibilty very seriously.

    Here are some issues we'd like to hear about and see addressed:

  • 1. The Genesis Grading program: Blessing or farce?
  • 2. The controversial Scheduling "fiasco" that took place weeks ago.
  • 3. The Islamic Holiday celebration and ambiguity/confusion that
    took place.
  • 4. The Mid Marking Period closing date, grading and other calendar questions.
  • 5. The administrative hierarchy and who's in charge of WHAT???
  • 6. The continuous dispute over the hiring of an "Administrative
    Team from Florida" that some folks don't feel measure up in terms of certification, qualification and experience;
  • 7. The shrinking number of pupils gracing our schools with their presence, daily;
  • 8. The policies as mandated by the school board that should effectuate sweeping and lasting change for the better but sometimes hinder and cripple the smooth operation of a school's well-established, sound methods of containment, if not education!
  • 9. As we well know, there are those who are sometimes given the "power" to direct, advise, mandate, dictate, or supervise, only to become what some call "powerstruck." (or is it "stricken?") :-) There is a shadow of condescension that follows close behind, wherever they travel, ever ready to be cast over the brilliance of hard-working, dedicated individuals unfortunate enough to serve "under" them. You know the type.
  • 10. If fear, mistrust, loathing, contempt, deceit, malfeasance, and corruption continue to fester in the district, where will the system be by this time next year?


A Question of Business Administration Practices

  • In a recent post, one blogger fervently defended business administrator, Gary Ottmann's "right" not to have Plainfielder's be aware of some accusations made by the Wayne School district and the State of New Jersey. (<-- Click for the actual audit) We disagree. As a tax payer, one deserves to know if Ottmann actually DID get caught with his hand in the cookie jar, or left fingerprints or even crumbs! After all, by some accounts, he may have helped cause a city tax increase!
  • The information, while possibly inconclusive, should suggest that we at least read and judge for ourselves, despite the blogger's apparent attempt at scaring us away from the issue.
  • Here are some sources of information on this:

http://www.nj.com/forums/wayne/index.ssf?artid=22103 (A Wayne, NJ Forum you might find interesting)



http://www.nje3.org/?tag=gary-ottmann This is the "Excellent Education for Everyone" (E3) Organization that reported the State Division of Taxation may be inquiring.

Well fellow blogger, we wonder if this all adds up to potential "libel," as well??????

Toward A New Day In Plainfield Education...

  • Well, Plainfield, somebody had to do it!

  • Now that it is so painfully obvious that Plainfield Educational leadership has indeed run amock, we think it's high time that someone take up the cause to reverse the cataclysmic flow of corruption that wreaks havoc within the school system and beyond.

  • How dare we, as Plainfield educators, parents, home owners, residents, business owners, government officials, or politicians, allow further destruction to the integrity or the quality of education in our beautiful school system to perpetuate! Stand up! Fear no one, fear no action...fear no more!!!

  • This web log takes aim at all those factors which together erode the hopes, dreams, aspirations and life's choices of thousands of Plainfield, New Jersey youth, whom deserve better opportunities. Even in the very moments you will read this blog, there will be college students struggling to read, write, and calculate on the level required of post high school students, and they have begun to come back to Plainfield airing valid complaints. The administration constantly blames the teacher, while imposing upon them IMPOSSIBLE directives to carry out. Those truth-speakers are labeled "naysayers," dismissed as makers of "noise," and even persecuted by abusive administrators, who, like stepford wives, often carry out the egotistical mission of the tyrant!

  • NO MORE!!!

  • If I am a parent in need of assistance to deal with the troubles of day-to-day life and come to the school unhappy, then help me... don't talk down to me, don't "enable" my sometimes irrational behavior by passifying me and lowering standards for my child. Don't conspire with me to target your fellow educators, but show me I can believe in you to run your school like professionals, Keep your halls of learning safe and solemn for my child as well as those of other parents, and let make sure those teachers can teach!

  • There are far too many youngters that turn to street lives, gang membership, and unspeakable crimes, partly as a result of the political games played for far too long in the Plainfield school system that hinder progress!

  • We will endeavor to "watchdog" the innerworkings of an apparently corrupt system run by individuals who often mismanage and engage in abusive power plays, and for what? For some, it remains a mystery. This is no "Plaintalker" or "Crescent Times" page and we do not pretend to "report" from a "spin-free," objective, or "fair" viewpoint. Plainfield, this is all out WAR, against ignorance, in the name of resurrection of quality education and resurgence of free speech in Plainfield Public Schools!

  • This web log admittedly takes an approach from a very cynical standpoint with the conviction of a long time watcher of Plainfield politics and finally an "in" with school system employees, administrators, students, parents, and others, who wish to expose corrupt and incompetent activities.

  • We are tired. We are fed up. We are dignified and determined enough about change that we would sacrifice our personal time and go forth with the drive of a freight train, ready to transport folks to academic freedom. The railroad by which we travel is no longer "underground" but one of bold, collective righteousness...one of mandated reform and righteous indignation. This train we endeavor to conduct shall not stop midway, where incompetence, corruption or dictatorship lie upon our tracks. But we shall sound the alarm of justice upon every track along the way. This train will be joined by a multitude of others, voyaging to destinations where the need for the collaborative for reform arises.

  • Shall we begin the journey, Plainfield? All Aboard!!!
    Email us:
    weaponof1@gmail.com. To know of such atrocity and not report it is nothing short of complicity in a crime against humanity.

Send us your true accounts

  • For the purpose of troubleshooting, we seek "verifyable" accounts of abuse, incompetence, and corruption that have impeded, hindered, precluded, frustrated, or otherwise negatively impacted the educational process, from your standpoint. Make no mistake about it, this blog is about sharing those instances wherein the flaws of leadership or policies thereof have shackled us as parents, educators or other agents of change. These poor decisions often strain professional relationshps and polarize individuals who would otherwise work well together, and (dare we say) this is often by design.

  • Now for the brief disclaimer: We reserve the right to editorial selectivity and judgment. Our mission, being that of "top-down" scrutiny and corrective measures, naturally requires us to prioritize, choosing the shortest algorithm to instant solutions and remedies. For every action that suppresses the truth about corruption in Plainfield, we hope to counteract it multifold with the REAL stories. It is not unlikely that this blog will give rise to a reporting of wrong-doings to proper authorities, so please be very careful and VERY HONEST about what you disclose. Be prepared to back up tales with substantiation depending on how far you wish to go with your comments.

  • While the State Department Of Education has visited the Plainfield School disctrict, supposedly in the name of reform, some observers have expressed dissatisfaction with less than punitive outcomes or corrective consequences thus far, though many of us know Plainfield's shortcomings are partly due to corruption. We await the blade of sweeping justice, impatiently and desperately.

  • Please take a gander at the state audit most recently done. Despite the attempt by some to downplay the significant waste and inexplicable spending, we urge you to carefully inspect the equipment expenditures and purchase order timetables. And please question the rationale behind hiring uncertified staff (some of whom still remain in the district), and even the business administrator's previous legal/ethical challenges in the Wayne, NJ School District (GOOGLE him and judge for yourself). Plainfield has had a long list of uqualified, yet bold and brazen individuals who often come here and hit the ground running with assinine ideas and methods of administration. Everytime you turn around there's a new directive handed down that goes against the grain of common sense and conventional wisdom. We've set out to tackle some tough issues, as you can see. They all negatively affect student achievement. What about the recent state report on Plainfield school violence? What exactly is firm in the minds of school leadersip with regard to the school conduct code? Where is the consistency? We say it's non-existent! We'd venture to say most would agree. Too many parents, staff and administrators FEAR students or fear their rejection. Wake up! They need structure and boundaries.

  • And we think it is of imperative that you grab some neighbors, grab some friends and come on out to the board of education meetings, to let them know just how stupid we are NOT! Our property values deserve better, our taxes deserve to be better spent, and most of all the children of today deserve a better tomorrow than the last 8 corrupt regimes have forced upon them.

  • More to follow...Much more!

email us at weaponof1@gmail.com