
From The Macro To The Micro

The notion of Immortality is quite a fascinating idea. With this historic election of Mr. Barack Obama to the highest office in the land, we have now ushered in a new era of renewed hope and conceiveably, a raised ceiling of Opportunities for so many of us. There are undoubtedly those among us who not only secretly wished for the failure of Obama's bid for the presidency, but also carry this contempt for true progress in their hearts on a daily basis. But this is to become decreasingly problematic as the story of Plainfield, New Jersey continues to unfold. The "underdog" has often turned the tide of negativity so many times in this town.

The sentiment of unity and the clear elevation of minds on the part of the masses demonstrates, more than ever before, just how attainable true progress has become. Though some remain skeptical as some bicker over logistics, philosophies, strategies, and political methodologies, let us commit to the task of stepping back, adjusting our lenses, rethinking, approaching with "new shoes," and looking our fellow "stakeholders" and neighbors square in the eye. Only then can we act in all sincerity, in such a manner as to assist our children in new ways.

With these new administrations in place on the national as well as state, regional and local levels, how can we fall short of our collective & collaborative goals? We must ask legitimate and critical questions:

*Where is the thrust of effort for securing the grant money that all of our school children deserve to benefit from?
*Where is the true spirit of collaboration that is said to be built into the Plainfield school district?
*What is the true story of the selection process for hiring our new schools Superintendent? What were some of the concerns of parents? Of residents? Of Some board of education members? Of The teacher's Union?
*How can our religious leaders play a more active role in helping change the mindset of many of our students and their families?
*What local and regional resources should be at our disposal to help improve the quality of education?
*Where are the community centers??? They disappeared with the 80's and so did many of the aspects of unity in our community. The "Village raising the child" concept has become so cliche' in so many circles, but that need not be the case.

THE "GRASS ROOTS EDUCATION ADVOCACY THINK TANK" (GREATT) is a movement in progress. Now in it's initial conception state, they seek voluteer "watch dogs" and "BUll DOGS" to help mobilize citizens for comprehensive change. They seek to raise the bar much beyoond those low standards as set by State Monitors!

Contact them: learngreatt@gmail.com

Just as there remain pockets of resistance to a new national mindset and the new national mandate as expressed by the voters, there will be those in Plainfield who refuse to reliquish the "control" they so cherish. So that will undoubtedly become cause for waging war. But just as the north defeated the south many years ago, those in possession of the "slave-master" mentality will succumb to the aspirations of a new mindset in Plainfield Education.

The election of Annie McWilliams and Adrian Mapp to city council spoke volumes, not as much of dissenting opinion, but more of the hope for a better day in Plainfield leadership. Take care Plainfield Board of Education; the are guidelines of decency and ethical behavior that an increasing number of citizens will now take more seriously.

We call upon the city government to speak up about how the goings-on of the school must not negatively impact the value of our homes or the quality of local life in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

What's YOUR Opinion? Come on, take aim at the real problems and Fire away!!! Become a troubleshooter, NOT a "trouble-maker."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that the election of Annie McWilliams and Adrian Mapp portends good for the future of Plainfield. Annie is a youth mentor and leader to middle school Plainfielders from ALL parts of the city. For these kids to see a young woman, barely 10 years older than they, get a good education and move on to try to better her city speaks volumes about her commitment. Annie didn't leave town after graduating, she stayed to help the next generation coming up. I witnessed her working with her "kids" this past spring--they look up to her and view her as an achiever. We need more like her. As far as Mapp, he too has worked hard for this city. He has served in the past with professionalism. His achievements, A.A., B.S., and M.A. also how our children that they can achieve. We must highlight higher education to our kids as something they should strive for. I am glad that we will have an intellectal in the White House. Our kids should want to be like Barack and Michelle, who went on to higher education with scholarships because they were SMART.